My Latest Podcast Picks

This week I went to my first CrossFit class (a topic for another post) and on my way to the gym I listened to an Armchair Expert podcast that made me laugh so hard I had to cover my mouth so as not to get odd looks from passing strangers. But put me in a fantastic mood to start the class.

I listen to a lot of podcasts in Paris, from self-help to entertainment, and it's a great alternative to listening to music and I discover something new in each episode.

Here's what I'm listening to these days:

The Goop Podcast is kind of amazing. I like how the guests can be a little "alternative" or "controversial" and the interviewer (their CCO Elise, usually) really digs into topics and makes them relevant. During or after I listen to episodes, I find myself doing extra research to come up with my own views or thoughts on the subject. My favorite episode (so far): Is there proof of a spiritual universe? (Which will probably lead to its own post from me soon.)

The Armchair Expert with actor Dax Shepard is hilarious and insightful at the same time -- and two hours long! Dax is completely fascinated by people and loves to dissect his guests (actors, mostly) to learn how they tick. But there's also some silly stories about fame or personal habits that make me LOL. My favorite episode is (so far): the Mila Kunis interview.

The hosts of the Slow Home podcast are the perfect paradigm of the slow and mindful lifestyle they preach. Their episodes are thoughtful and focused, and I automatically slow down when I'm listening to it. I aspire to a slow household, even though it doesn't feel realistic to me just yet. But putting even small pieces in place is pretty great, starting with myself. My favorite episode (so far): Slow Friendships - A Deep Dive into Slow Relationships (I had a real a-ha! moment listening to this one.)

The Young House Love Has a Podcast 4-ever! I've been listening to Sherry and John for so long, I feel like we're family. They're goofy, they sometimes veer far off topic, but it's all about getting your home the best it can be. Lately, they've been redoing beach homes and it's been great to witness the process from these DIY (and frugal) pros. My favorite episode (so far): Sherry's story about the bathtub

The fourth season of the The Earful Tower is a road-trip into the wilds of rural France and I'm really enjoying where it's going -- though there is a little bit more verbal rambling then I'd like. Oliver and Lina's weekly updates are like getting a call from friends on vacation. My favorite episode (so far): Why do people get married in Paris (from season 3)

I also enjoy Ted Radio Hour from NPR and How I Built This, but it doesn't seem like there have been new episodes lately. And I've been trying a few new ones, including Oprah's Master Class, How It Is from Hello Sunshine, Deliciously Ella and the Past Present Podcast. I'll report back if any of these make me a regular listener.

Which podcasts would you recommend?

Related posts:
My last lineup of favorite podcasts from 2016


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