Letting Go of Leah

On Monday I dropped Leah off at the train station for her first week-long school field trip.

This is the longest Leah's been away from me -- without an aunt following her around taking pictures and reporting back to me (which is what happened when she stayed at my sister's summer camp for a week).

And while I was walking away from her, doing my best to keep my chin up, I had this nagging feeling that I'd forgotten something. Despite having packed her myself, using a long checklist of items provided by the school.

I had forgotten her. In the middle of a huge Paris train station. Though, with her friends and teachers who will supervise the entire trip. It took me a minute to compose myself. It really did.

This is her first real adventure away from us, as an independent person in the world.

Independence is a trait I always wanted to encourage in my girls. But since I've been home with them, this trait has been tough to grow. When I'm always around, how independent are they going to be? I'm hoping she'll gain some self-reliance, take responsibility for herself and ownership of the things she brought. I'd love to hear she tried everything, from activities to food, and didn't lose any of her well-packed items along the way. 

I hope she gets to bunk with her friends, and learns some valuable lessons about her own family and the way we live our lives, which only comes into view when compared to others.

Waiting For the Train With Friends

I'm excited for her and what a growth opportunity this could be. A huge jumping off point to coming closer to who she will become. She'll be the first of all of our family to dip her toes in the Mediterranean and windsurf.

And, hopefully, not get lost at the train station along the way.

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