While we were in Milan last weekend, strolling around Sforza Castle, I remembered so well the last time I was walking around this ancient castle. Flashbacks!
Nine years ago, when Alice was just 2-years-old and Leah was 4 we visited this castle and I was enthralled by the history, but Alice wasn't impressed and she ran around like a nut -- or a toddler. Whatever. I talked her in to standing still for just a few minutes so I could take a picture.
So, last weekend, I asked Alice to take the same picture on the same spot (ok, one bench away) in the courtyard and it came out pretty cute.
Alice: Oct. 2010 --- VS --- March 2019 |
Here are the two original pictures:
Alice, Being 2, and Just the Top of Leah's Head |
Alice at 10! |
This is just another perk about traveling Europe with little kids; these are such special memories that I'll have forever. And even get to revisit them.
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Traveling with kids
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