The Business of Moving Back In

My one fear about returning to the States was we'd move back into our house, place all the furniture back where it was before and it would feel like we never left. Like the last 14 months never really happened. Nightmare.

My Paris friends assured me that I was different -- we were all different now -- so no matter what, we'd feel different. But now that I'm back, I'm still anxious.

So I have a plan. First, I'm going to move furniture around from different rooms. I'm also going to update the art in the frames and rearrange as much as I can. Almost like we're moving in again. Pull everything down and start over.

Here's a good example: We've been talking about hanging the TV above the fireplace, but I'm not sold on the height. Will we crane our necks watching TV? And what happens with the blue wall and cabinets it was on? We're going to test it out.

Also, I'll tackle a lot of my home improvement project lists. Small things like replacing the light fixtures in the kitchen that I've never liked, and DIY-ing custom shelves in the pantry. My laundry room is also on the list.

The girls are getting in on the fun and want to repaint their rooms. And I'm ALWAYS up for painting. And with most of their furniture in a crate and not due for another three weeks, it's the perfect opportunity to get that done.

It's really the perfect opportunity to do a lot of home project -- with half of our items still in route. I know what is coming so I know what I need to make room for. And I'm ready to call electricians and plumbers to help me out.

But what I need is to figure out priorities -- because for the last few days, I've been spinning like a top trying to decide what to do first, next, etc. More updates to follow!

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