Is it Time to Go?

The View of the "Grand Salon" in the Sun
Lately, there's been a lot of talk about leaving Paris and returning home. For good.

Yes, we knew this Paris expat position was for a limited time and contingent on David's job placement and career growth. We're so grateful for this experience, to begin with.

Until Christmas break, our expectation was we'd finish out this school year and return to Illinois in July. But, after some meetings over winter break, it became clear that our move date will be even sooner.

At first, I was devastated. Really. I absolutely love living in Paris, despite all the negatives (post here).

For one thing, I have real friends for the first time in years. As an introvert, that's a huge thing. Being surrounded by other expat moms (and dads) who are trailing their spouses, it's easy to make fast friends -- and some meaningful friends, too. It's fabulous.

I also figured out a good SAHM schedule that balanced quality, free time and weekly gym, French lessons and volunteering. My favorite things.

One of My Windows to the World
Then there's living the urban life. I love walking to the markets, using the metro and watching people pass by our windows. I didn't realize how much I missed being in the middle of so much commotion (we live out in the rural suburbs). Plus, there's the added luxury of being in the city of PARIS, gah!, all the museums and historical landmark easily within reach. I'm trying to take better advantage of this.

Plus, we'd have to move the girls in the middle of a school year. Again. Although returning to a school where they already know people might be easier, it still would be easier to transition in the summer.

However, on further reflection, I'm also very happy and excited to return home and get back into our "real life."

So many things have been on hold -- my career, the home improvements I'm so ready for, the plastic-free changes, all of it. It's all exciting, wonderful stuff that's all been sitting on a shelf.

I mean, you should see my plans for the master bathroom renovation I've been cooking up. It's going to be WOW!

Plus, once we return to the States, we'll have to go shopping: Buy a car, adopt a new dog (after we fix the fence and backyard), buy a few pieces of furniture and re-piece together a whole new life.

Transitions are difficult, but I excel at starting over and rebuilding. In fact, after this year in Paris, I can safely say this is where I shine. And all the things I've learned this year just make me better equipped to do it all over again.

So with all these thoughts rolling through my head, I'm to the point that when we hear we're moving, it won't take long for me to be happy about it. And if they give us more time here, I'll be happy, too. For me, it's all good!

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