Our Paris Adventures End Here

It's with a sad heart that I write that, indeed, our Paris adventure is come to the end. We came for the opportunity of Dave's career and job, and now that career path is moving us back to Illinois.

At first I was pretty distraught. Though I've known, obviously, that eventually were going to to be moving back, in my head I was thinking it would be this summer and I was preparing mentally for what that relocation would look like. But the call came in quicker than we expected with a more aggressive timeline than I would have chosen. We really wanted the girls to finish out the year in this school instead of putting them through a mid-year school change. Again. But that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Now that I've had time to consider and digest it all, I'm ready to go. I love my life here. I've made friends for the first time in many years. I have an enviable life as a Parisian housewife with daily market trips and coffees with friends who are in the same boat. I go to yoga classes and know the metro pretty well and am just soaking up life in a big, glitzy European city. it's pretty sweet.

But on the other hand, our "normal" life has been put on hold for the last 20 months. I can't job hunt, I can't establish roots, work on house improvement projects, etc. It's almost like I've been treading water for the time I've been here. Mentally, I've worked on some things but otherwise there was really no forward movement. I've thought about a lot of paths but I haven't taken any because they all start from my front door in the States.

So, a thoughtful time but a pause nonetheless and I'm certainly excited about moving forward down the path.

Once this move is over, I'll have time to really think about our 14 months in Paris and dig into what we've all learned and did. It was truly and awesome adventure.


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