Let me tell you how much I dislike our kitchen table and for how many years I've been trying to make peace with it.
It all started in 2019 when it was time to replace our round Crate & Barrel table that we loved but was now falling to pieces (post here with photos). In that year, I ordered four kitchen tables, two from Pottery Barn that I returned (here's another post about saga). Then ordered a cheap Target table when the one I really wanted was back-ordered (details here). Then the one I wanted arrived and it wasn't the farmhouse table of my dreams but a rustic table with an uneven top. So I settled.
You can't even imagine the teasing from my family about ordering that many kitchen tables. It was relentless. So I gave up.
We moved into our new house and that "kitchen table I settled for" moved along with us. (Incidentally, the Target one did too and lives in our basement, getting used for Thanksgiving.)
Summer 2021 - Right After We Moved In |
Last summer, I dragged the kitchen table out to the patio, filled the joints and sanded down the top to create a more even eating surface. Other than style, my beef with this table is the textured top with cracks between the boards. Even writing on this table is annoying. Cups fall over. And it's just so textured and patchy. Ugh, it's so disjointed to my eyeballs.
Look, it's not a bad table. It screams "RUSTIC" while my house is "modern colonial" so it's not vibing with the style.
Here's the current kitchen and the table. You can see all that texture, right? All the cracks between the boards that I filled with wood-filler. It's industrial and masculine and not modern. A total miss and pisses me off every time I look at it.
There's a good view of the top with all the uneven texture and "whiskering" that I tried to sand out.
The Table in the Space.
Out With The Old, In With The New
Ok, so let me tell you about the two tables I've been eyeing for the last TWO FRIGGIN' YEARS and can't seem to pull the trigger on.
One is
this CB2 table that a few Instagrammers have and I really admire. But it's WHITE and reaallllly modern. I just wasn't sure that it would go. It's awesome, though, right? And would be a great call-back to the white cabinets on the other side of the room.
And the other is this Ikea table (I know, Ikea? We're not in college anymore!) but
the Skogsta has the butcher block top that matches the counters in the dining area of our kitchen and the black trestle would look fab with my black chairs. The price is right and it's got amazing reviews.
This weekend, we're out with friends at a local restaurant and sitting at a table I find myself admiring. It's long, the top is really streamlined, it's comfortable ... and realize, HEY it's the Skogsta! I want it. Done.
You guys, that old rustic table is going on Amazon Marketplace on Friday. Good riddance!
Stay tuned for an after pic!
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