The Behind-the-TV Set Up

The media area in the basement has been an ongoing conversation. Projector TVs, reusing TVs from other parts of the house, surround sound, wall mounted screens -- all terms that have been bandied about as we plan that all-important part of the basement.

After a trip to Best Buy and Ikea, we've eliminated the idea of the projector TV and are now considering wall-mounting the TV. And a piece of furniture is being moved for below the TV, whether it's hung or not, to locate all the media components.

The electrician and cable guys were good enough to cover a few scenarios so we can try various different set-ups. Check this out!

They added two outlets -- one up high for the mounted TV option and one low for the various gaming consoles, etc, that will be set up on the shelves. They also added this genius PVC pipe (can you see it?) that will get walled in and used to feed cords through the wall and up behind the TV. Giving us NO VISIBLE WIRES! BAM!

Also in this picture note the little niche to the right. There was some discussion about putting all the media equipment in there, but ultimately we decided it was too deep and awkward. Currently we're planning on adding a mini-fridge with built-in shelves to resemble a custom mini-bar with all of the collectable "toys" on display on a high shelf.

Love all the options we'll have! And this room is ready for drywall. Hooray!

Related Posts:
Check out the original floor plan
And see the Before photos


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