Botanic Garden Trip

The Chicago Botanic Garden is a magical place!

We went several times this winter and Spring -- and every day for a week when Leah was in a spring break class there, so I thought I knew the place.

The Purple Garden
Two months is a long time in a garden!

We pulled into the driveway and all the trees that were just budding were now full of lovely green leaves. The hill of tulips was replaced by wavy blue grass. And my eyes started popping out of my head. And we hadn't even parked the car yet!

Alice in Flowers
The rest of the visit was much the same. The beds that were bare or the bushes that were dormant were ALIVE with color and blooms. The rose garden -- well, you could small the roses before even entering the area and some of the bushes were taller than me!

On of our favorite spots was the purple circle garden with more pansies than I had EVER seen. I got the kids to repeat: "Have you EVER seen so many pansies in your life?!" Too bad the purple bearded Irises had already gone away.

Another highlight for me was the rows of peony -- an absolute favorite of mine for their look and smell. They will absolutely be in my garden plan for next year.

My Peonies
And we happened to arrive in time for the farmer's market where we got a large bin of fresh strawberries (organic and fresh-picked -- GOLD!) and a local basil dressing. Yum Yum!

Lastly, I walked through the kitchen gardens, checking out what the little seedlings looked like for plants I was also growing -- carrots, lettuce, etc. Good to know what I shouldn't identify as a weed.

Happy trip! Can't wait to return!

** All photos were taken by kids.


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