Garden Update

I'm so pleased to report that the garden is 98% planted! (Er, for the first round, at least.)

My Two Raised Beds -- in the early evening
Dave's cilantro
I sowed a bunch of seeds two weeks ago that included spinach, parsley, lettuce and baby carrots. And I added the pepper and tomato plants.

Instead of doing bay, I reassigned the square to Leah who planted marigolds. And I've got one more row of flowers to do -- gotta attract those bees and butterflies!

The row of sunflowers is nearly ready to thin; they were the first seeds planted in mid-April. Also, the cilantro, which Dave uses in abundance in the summer to make his famous guacamole, is doing amazingly well.

I worry about my little gardens next weekend when we're away in DC and the temps here are going to get mid-90s! But hopefully Mom (who is visiting thanks to a busted pipe in her rental) and the neighbor girl will keep a watchful eye on them.


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