Hallway Project: Green Continued

BEFORE: The Art Gallery
I was painting again this weekend. My project was all about the hallway between the family room and the rest of the house.

There are two major issue: 1) a lot of the walls have rounded corners, so where to start and stop always stumped me. 2) And I wanted green, so I've been trying to decide which shade to go with.

My first choice was the bright green from the carpet squares. I'd love to do a bold apple-green wall. Sweet!

But then I realized I like the color of the upstairs hallway and it compliments the navy wall. And since you can see that wall from downstairs, it made the most sense to keep a consistent green. (Valspar's "Grasslands" from Lowes.)

The rounded corners is still an issue, if I think too much about it, there's a sort-of wall solipsism.

But why over think it? I started and stopped when I wanted to and it doesn't look too bad.

AFTER: A 2-Story View
Actually, it looks awesome! Clean and freshly green.

Of course, this project kicked off a few others -- like the back hallway to the garage (that also got the green treatment), hooks and a fun blackboard project above the closet.

Details to follow.

Someday I'll run out of walls to paint, but not anytime soon!

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