I Love Paris in the Springtime


David got the trip to Paris! We're going. Together. Free flights and hotel. Like, in May. Our nine-year-wedding anniversary, coincidentally. To Paris. In Paris.
The Louvre, AKA My Happy Place
I hadn't given much thought to it. Returning to Paris was on my five-year plan, sure, but not until the end of it. And his was one of several projects in the running for the Best Project of the Year prize, or whatever it's called. So I hadn't seriously considered it. Hadn't let my thoughts get too far into the details. But now, my mind is a blur…
  • The Louvre, obviously.
  • The d’Orsay … finally!
  • Versailles … rioting French rebels couldn't keep me away.
  • Notre Dame … without a screaming 4-year-old, YES!
Where is my passport? Does it need to be renewed? The kids?! What to do about the kids?!

Go! Go! Go!


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