'Rebel Angels' Audiobook Review

Audiobook: Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
Read by: Josephine Bailey
Genre: YA Lit

I read the first book in this series called A Great and Terrible Beauty a few years ago. It was a little too Victorian paranormal dramatic for me, but it was kinda entertaining. And Libba is such a YA author celebrity, so when I saw Rebel Angels, the second book, I had to see what it was all about.

I wasn't disappointed and might even consider listening to the third and final book of the trilogy.

This series is difficult to summarize. Jemma was the new girl at a boarding school who discovers a secret society of sorceress that her late-mother was once a member. They are caretakers for a dreamy land, like purgatory, where people pass through when they die. This land is filled with magic and dangers and strange creatures. See? I little tough to explain. Oh! And Jemma has nasty visions. And one of her best friends died and is stuck in that realm.

It's definitely more exciting that how I'm explaining it. This book is mostly about the other group of people who want to take control of the realm and all its magic for themselves. And Jemma fighting back against them. She and her friends move the fight from the gray backdrop of December in England to the technicolor beauty of the realms. And there's no stop to the action.

The real advantage was the reader, Josephine Bailey, who gave this book more life than I could have reading it myself. She used theatrical voices, deep Victorian accents and more to make each character vivid and distinct. The more I listen to audiobooks, the more I find there are books I'd like prefer to listen to, and this was certainly one of them. As a book, I might have skimmed -- but as an audiobook, I drank it up.

Grade: Green Light


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