Landscaping Mission - Home Depot

Monday morning Leah and I spent about an hour walking through the perennials at Home Depot. This is not my usual style. I like to buy perennials at the end of the summer -- when they are really on sale and likely to do better. (In summer, it's too hot and transplanted perennials tend to fail. In the Fall, it's cooler and wetter, thus more success.)

However, given my eagerness to complete some landscaping projects, I thought I'd break tradition and plant a few things now. We had great success and I spent an hour planting one of the beds today. There is still more to do, so no "after" photo, yet. However, I pull this beauty from the clearance pallet. A potted Morning Glory on a trellis. Love the gorgeous light-blue blooms.

Morning Glories always reminds me of the stairs of the house on Sheridan. Mom planted Morning Glories and they'd wind up the railings. There's a picture of me somewhere standing in front of them when I was 5. I remember thinking they were magical because they closed up at night. Mom says she plants them because they were great-grandpa's favorites. Either way, they bring good memories and lovely thoughts.

My Morning Glory!


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