Exploring Chicago

Outside the Field Museum
Let's be honest, I don't have the best impression of the city of Chicago. 

In my mind, it's just a scatter of weird neighborhoods with some tall building in between. And finding anything worth finding takes way too much searching. 

So when Dave got a hotel room for a weekend-long conference, we decided to crash his hotel room so we could explore "the loop" on foot. 

We left Saturday after soccer practice on a warm 80-degree day. By the time we got downtown, the temperature dropped 15 degrees and it was pouring rain. 

The next morning, it was 50-degrees and raining. Not what I had packed for. We did our best. Got to the Field Museum and stopped at Old Navy for sweatshirts. 

In Front of Sue the T-Rex
So, instead of walking around "the Loop" and maybe Miracle Mile, we did the Field Museum, packed up and went home. 

This seems to happen to us a lot in Chicago. The weather here just never cooperates with my planning. Oh well. We'll try again in a few weeks -- when I really want to get the Art Institute. 

A word about the Field Museum: We got there at opening and spent nearly three hours, so not a bad morning exploring the different exhibits. And we had the place mostly to ourselves, which was nice. 

So, the jury is still out in Chicago. There's still more exploring to do. 


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