The Jitters and Other Coffee Side Effects

My Totally Awesome
Paris Metro Map Coffee Mug at Work 
I've been on a mission to add caffeine to my life in the form of coffee. (I know, there are people who are weening off of coffee but me, I want ON the addiction bandwagon. Go figure.)

Anyway, here's the thing about coffee: it gives people the jitters. And being the total novice that I am, it gives me crazy-major jitters. So I don't usually finish a whole cup.

I use a LOT of milk. (Sorry to the rest of my coworkers who usually find an empty milk carafe next to the coffee.)

And I try to snack on animal crackers or the kid's Bunny Grahams while sipping it, so protect my tummy.

I drink a lot of water all day. Lots and lots. Which is according to my web research, the best way to combat the jitters.

But, even with all this, I DO feel more focused and less sleepy for hours after my little cup of coffee. And I'm drinking way more water during the day. So, it's a double win. Right?

Related posts:

More of my Coffee journey


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