What Blogs Do You Read?

Do you read any blogs routinely?

I have a bunch of favorite blogs that I check in with frequently. Mostly, I find the bloggers friendly or I aspire to their lifestyle or great decorating tastes. Thought you might enjoy the list.
  • The Martha Blog, obvi. The original domestic goddess loves to share long photo galleries of her travels, and life on her farm in New York. It's amazing how her pickiness and perfectionism shines through. Given my penchant for imperfection, we'd not get along -- but her drive is definitely something to aspire to. 
  • Decor8 was one of the first blogs I really started to connect with. Holly was just moving to Germany in those days and did features on Etsy stores and European decorating magazines. She's gotten huge since, even publishing a few books. Such an inspiration! Her blog still contains her gorgeous designers eye, though she's been busying and using frequent (less-fabulous) contributors. 
  • Making It Lovely is one of those contributors, but she's great. Nicole is also another huge inspiration, because she's been able to turn her blog into a full-time business. She just bought a Victorian in Oak Park, IL and has been posting non-stop about all the decorating choices she's making. So, of course, I'm paying close attention. 
  • Jess and Steve is all about this absolutely cool and hip first-time mom in Boston who chronicles her daily life with her cute hubby and chunky baby. She's decorating, DIYing and parenting like the best of them. I assume she's now supporting herself with her blog, too.
And then I have a newer bunch of favorites that haven't made there way into my daily habit, but are more periodically checked. 
  • Chocolate & Zucchini is a Parisian food blogger (nuff said). I aspire to be the same. 
  • Oh My Disney is hilarious and includes Disney news but also funny re-imaginings of the Disney universe, done BuzzFeed style. Like "Disney Characters You Might Not Like As Your College Roommate" and "Disney Villains' Resumes." It's a time-suck, so I limit my exposure to monthly, or less. 
By following links and blog rolls, I could spend hours reading and discovering new, fantastic bloggers (like Sawdust Girl). I just don't have the time, as much as I want to support the occupation.

Anyway, what blogs do you read often? Why?


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