Picture Book Monday: Chrysanthemum

Kevin Henkes is a storybook genius. He's also a long-time resident of Wisconsin, so I'm going to assume he's a neighbor and future best friend. And one of his first books was called "Jessica," so it's fated.

Anyway, all of his books are a completely perfect, but "Chrysanthemum" is a particular favorite. I had to read it a dozen or so times before I stopped getting weepy at the end. "She didn't think her name was absolutely perfect ... she knew it." Sob. There's nothing better than a little girl dealing with name-calling mean girls, thanks to the wonder of Mrs. Twinkle.

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. Absolutely perfect. 
Lately, we've been reading his Penny book series, and loving them. Especially "Penny and Her Doll." Rose is the perfect name!

** This is the beginning of a new series of favorite picture books in the household. With a second-grader, she has to read 20 minutes a day. And picking among her favorite books helps. But, let's be frank, these are really my favorite books. 


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