Two Summer Landscape Projects - After Pictures

In June, I started tackling two problem areas in my backyard (as blogged about here). With help from my Mom to move some of the black-eyed susans and lots of new cedar mulch, the area has come a long way.

If you recall, a pine tree died just beyond the spot. I have plans to replace it but not anytime soon. The area in front probably had a good variety of plants, but they all died out years ago -- suffocated by the weeds. Here's the before picture:

BEFORE: Pine-Tree-Less Area of Landscaping. Screaming HELP ME!
AFTER: Several New Perennials and Fresh Mulch. Area in the Back Awaiting New Pine Tree.
Then, there's the spot near the house on the other side of the patio. We put Asiatic Lillies in last fall and they were glories, but there were too many other bald spots. Especially after the other bulbs (tulips and irises) went away in mid-summer.  

BEFORE: Kinda of a Pile of Dirty. There are Some Plants, But Spotty.
AFTER: Slightly Different Angle. A Lot of the Plants are Smaller Perennials
That Will Take Some Time to Spread. But an Improvement!


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