New Clothes for School - A Round-Up

What do 5th graders wear, is the question I got from Leah as we embarked on our back-to-school shopping ritual this year.

I winced, as 1) I honestly have no idea. And 2) I envision the worst case scenario: Short shorts, half-shirts and cheap sandals? My worst nightmare.

At this point, I initiated a short conversation about personal style. In a nutshell: Who the hell cares what other 5th graders are wearing, what clothes fit your own personal style?

Of course, I'm going to GUIDE her decisions on clothes, 1) because I purchase and care for them, so I feel some ownership. And 2) a girl needs some guidance, right?! I made plenty of fashion faux pas.

Let's start with Boden, because I LOVE this shop and given an infinite budget, I'd dress my kids in only Boden. Here are four favorites for the Fall.

Fun Leggings - Boden

Butterfly Logo Jersey Dress - Boden

Super Soft Stripped Shirt - Boden

Bunny Meadow Raincoat - Boden

Then there's the indestructible Hanna Andersson. At the risk of being repetitious, those leggings are made of soft steal. Alice has tried, and can't put a hole in them. For Leah, I'm focusing on long-sleeves and sweaters. And Alice will likely pick up a dress or two. (Just waiting for that back-to-school sale to hit.)

Girls Art Tee - Hanna Andersson

Survivor Jacket - Hanna Andersson

Lastly, there will likely be an LL Bean purchase made for some outerwear. I realized as I was putting away winter clothes that our jackets are in poor shape .. and small. LL Bean has good quality and you can ship back almost anything and they'll replace it.
Discovery Rain Jacket - LL Bean

That's about it. Realistically, I don't think I'll need to buy a whole lot for this fall. Leah hasn't hit a dramatic growth spurt (yet) and Alice fits into hand-me-downs and even some smaller sizes, so her dresser is packed. Which means I can choose quality over quantity, right?!

Happy shopping!


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