What I'm Diggin' in August 2016

The transition to Fall has begun, school starts next week and most of what I was wigging out about at the beginning of the month is getting settled. I'm now looking forward to being on a much more rigid schedule. No really!

Deep breath!

Soccer is underway and I'm only assistant coaching -- trying to take a smaller role on the team. This team has an active team manager (yay!) and the head coach is used to being in charge. All good. Leah needs to get used to me not being on the coach's bench. However, being back on the soccer field always feels like going home, so I'm thrilled to be out there.

I signed up for an Honest Company bundle shipments -- mostly because I can't find good organic shampoo/conditioner that isn't over $12. And I like most of their products and sometimes can't get them at Target. In the last few boxes we've gotten, I've added new stuff to try out, too. And building up a sufficient stockpile of items we really like -- such as the laundry detergent, healing balm, sunscreen and the cleaning spray -- so that I can cancel the bundle subscription in a few months.

I'm excited to head to the Fall Cabi party at my neighbor's house (she hosts it twice a year). This new season has some really cute clothes from the looks of the website, so I can't wait to try them on. And, yes, I think I'm going to start rep-ing the clothing, too. But more on that much later.

I finally got tired of the Pandora commercials and the "are you still listening" click and was thisclose to purchasing a subscription (I listen to music all day at work) but then remembered ... I already pay for an Amazon Prime subscription. Duh! So I downloaded their desktop app and have been totally LOVIN' their radio stations. Apologies to Mike, an old AOL colleague now at Pandora.

We're so caught up in the Olympic fever. SO caught up that the girls were begging for gymnastics classes this the Fall (I wisely waited a week and they're over it. Shocker.) We especially love the back stories on all the athletes. I am disappointed our soccer team couldn't score against Sweden and got sent home in PKs. I watched that one in my office and luckily no one came by while I was yelling at my screen.

Dave and I have been trying to binge Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix but it's nearly impossible to find a time we're both sitting and watching TV anymore -- without kids crawling all over us. The night the girls were at a sleepover, we got up to episode 8. And we fell out of our chairs laughing at Kimmy's definition of MILF.

Have a great weekend!

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