Back to School - In Photos

Monday was the first day of school and it was a DOOZIE!

Leah, my newly-minted 5th grader!, was excited to go ... but her bus was 30 minutes late! Luckily, the sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing. A lovely morning to wait around for the school bus.

Waiting and Waiting At the Bus Stop! 

The Bus Finally Arrived! 
Then, Alice's bus was on time but she wasn't. Long story short: She ran back into the house to get a book and couldn't find it. I was left to hold the bus while she ran sobbing up the street and into the bus. SOBBING. 

Crying In Every Picture ... 

Crying in Every Single Picture
Reminder to myself: For Alice's graduation party, find these pictures and blow them up into poster size. This falls under the "it will be funny someday" parenting category. 

Update: She reportedly calmed down on the bus and had a rockstar first day of 2nd grade! 

Alice Was All Smiles After School


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