Monday was the first day of school and it was a DOOZIE!
Leah, my newly-minted 5th grader!, was excited to go ... but her bus was 30 minutes late! Luckily, the sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing. A lovely morning to wait around for the school bus.
Waiting and Waiting At the Bus Stop! |
The Bus Finally Arrived! |
Then, Alice's bus was on time but she wasn't. Long story short: She ran back into the house to get a book and couldn't find it. I was left to hold the bus while she ran sobbing up the street and into the bus. SOBBING.
Crying In Every Picture ... |
Crying in Every Single Picture |
Reminder to myself: For Alice's graduation party, find these pictures and blow them up into poster size. This falls under the "it will be funny someday" parenting category.
Update: She reportedly calmed down on the bus and had a rockstar first day of 2nd grade!
Alice Was All Smiles After School |
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