The Fight Against Plastic

Have you seen the cover of National Geographic this month? Gah! It's such a kick in the pants.
Here's the link to check out the articles and be completely devastated by the pictures.
The thing about this plastic crisis is: it's something we can all get involved in and make a huge difference.
There are some environmental causes, such endangered elephants and rising sea levels, that make us feel basically powerless to help out. (Unless we can send financial support or fly to Africa to volunteer.) I can buy a more fuel-efficient car and turn my lights off when I leave a room, but you don't really feel the connection, right?
But with plastic ... just bringing reusable bags to the supermarket and that's less plastic right there. Done. And it eventually becomes this really simple habit. And then you start remembering your reusable water bottle or coffee mug when you head to work. And that becomes a habit. And just those two things is a WHOLE LOT LESS plastic. And you work from there.
The less plastic we all start using, the less they'll make. And the less plastic that ends up in landfills and the ocean. It's that simple.
I won't drone on. You get the idea. Check out the issue, it's pretty amazing.
And down with plastic! Join the revolution!
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