Misty Moisty Morning

When I was in grade school, an elderly lady used to come to my classroom and tell us stories. We'd sit in a circle around her and marvel at her tales. And in my memory she was angelic and bright and lovely and I wanted to be just like her when I was older.

She started each session with this little song:
One misty moisty morning when cloudy was the weather
I chance to meet an old man a-clothed all in leather
He was clothed all in leather with a cap beneath his chin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again
We'd shake hands with the kids around us ... the lucky kids at the front got to shake her hands.

I've since taught my girls the song, especially as we're walking to the bus stop and the weather is misty and moisty (we pronounced it "moss-ty"). This morning was one of these mornings ...
 Like a cloud fell on the street.

Bruce is getting pretty good with the leash, most mornings.

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More Bus Stop stories and photos


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