What I'm Diggin' in Spring 2019

It's been a while since I did a roundup of things I'm really into these days. So here it is ...

A Discovery of Witches - have you seen it? Did you read the books? I listened to all three (very long) audiobooks in 2015 and was completely sucked into this vampire-witch romance that is also a thriller ... and super detailed because the author is also a historian. (Read my ode to Matthew and Diana and Best Books from 2015)

I heard it was made into a TV series by the BBC and saw some press in Paris and London, but it wasn't available for me to watch ... UNTIL NOW! As of this month, in the States, you can find it on AMC, on demand. I'm currently binging the season.

Let me just say they are staying SO true to the books -- at least all that I remember with any clarity. They're hitting the lovey-dovey with creepiness vibe so well. And I always had trouble picturing Diana, but I really love the actress they choose. Actually, they're both perfect. Even if you didn't read the books, it worth watching.
A Discovery Of Witches -- It's SOOO Good 
FLOW Water - At the end of the day I often ask myself, "did I even have one sip of water today???!!" And lately the answer has been NO! Awk!

Last weekend, while stuck at the Newark Airport because of the April blizzard, we saw six hours of commercials for Flow, this flavored, alkaline water. And it sunk in. So I ordered a variety pack to give it a try.

First, I'm not jazzed about the packaging, but it's slightly better than a plastic bottle, so let's just go with it. Also, there are no studies that show alkaline spring water has any health benefits, (NYTimes article from April this year) so there's that. And there's really no "juice," just natural flavoring. However, despite all of this, it tastes better than filtered water from the fridge, and I've been drinking a cartoon a day. That's a win, in my book.

If you're in need of an interesting-tasting water to get your 8-glasses per day, this is a good one.

Kiehl's Eye De-Puffer - On our last weekend in Paris, I walked into the Kiehl's shop in our neighborhood with my 25% off coupon and walked out with this eye de-puffer product. I had pointed at my eyes and asked if they had anything to help the not-so-attractive dark circles. Viola! (Buy the Facial Fuel here.)

I swipe it under my eyes every time I'm heading out the door and want to look less puffy ... and it works. Seriously. It's also fantastic for long travel days to look way less tired than you actually are.

It's fantastic.

Last, I want to mention that The Avengers: Endgame was, without a doubt, THE most AMAZING movie experience ever in my life. Ever. And I don't think I'm overstating that.

I'll restrain myself from getting too far into it, but, to summarize: we are huge Marvel movie fans from way back and, as a family, we've been very-much enjoying each of these movies as they come out. Watching them over and over, and discussing them for hours. And Endgame was absolutely spectacular. If you're a fan, this movie will not disappoint.

Happy May Day and hoping for a much less rainier spring ...

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Find all the Diggin' posts here
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