Back to Work

This week is a big one. My first week of a new job. After three years of being home, experiencing all that it is to be a "housewife" -- not to mention moving my family to France and back. (No big deal.) And I'm finally back to work.

My Office -- Hello!
This also marks a pretty big success for me. When I left my job three years ago, I wanted to change my career path just a bit ... I had moved far away from being creative at all, and that was not making me happy. And I didn't think a career change was going to be possible or easy. And no one likes job hunting but it's especially hard if your resume says 12 years of one thing, but you want to be doing something else.  So, high-five ME!

Along the way, I learned a lot about being home. It's not easy and not always fun. In fact, it's incredibly lonely. I identify as an introvert and I like my alone time -- but even I need to be around people sometimes. I was lonely ... a lot.

And then there's the complex guilt of not financially contributing to my family. And not being in control of the budget. And not getting all the things on the to-do list done. And the overall feeling of being under-appreciated -- because no matter how much I do, there's an expectation of doing a lot more (mostly mine). It's weird.

So, yeah, I'm super-excited about going back to work. I'm lucky the new job is near home and I'm still hands-on -- but not overly hands-on so the girls can gain a little confidence and feel some independence. 

And I'm totally buying myself a new pair of shoes with my first paycheck. And a new bra. YES!

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More Working Mom posts
Pinterest Made Me Do It


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