My First Purchase

Now that I'm back to work after three years of being off, I'm able to finally SHOP unfettered and unimpeded.

Sorry, but there's nothing worse than asking my husband for money to buy a new sweater. (Though, I appreciate how much pressure a single-income put on him.) So my requests for personal purchases were as few as I could manage.

Now that I have a paycheck again, my first FOR ME purchase was ... pajamas! JCrew was having a HUGE deal on their PJ sets and I jumped in. I love a classic matching PJ set.

The state of my current PJs are a little sad. Most of my flannel printed pants are long past retirement. And the t-shirts are usually those I won't wear in public anymore. It doesn't make for a very flattering look. So my donation pile will be growing again.

So there ... that's what I bought with my first paycheck back at work!


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