The Glories and Pitfalls of Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper

This bathroom makeover was only supposed to be $150. But, I had a small accident and now it's just a bit more.

In Progress: Watch Out For Falling Lights!
Peel and stick wallpaper isn't sunshine and roses to hang. It's sticky and doesn't like to be straight. I've done it twice before and I knew what I was getting myself into. So, this time I bought the smoother tool and an exact-o knife, so I was well prepared.

Luckily, this pattern I chose DOES NOT NEED TO LINEUP PERFECTLY. It's glorious. You can't see the seams anywhere. It made life easier.

What didn't make life easy, was the vanity light ..

I was standing on the vanity, uninstalling the light and trying to figure out how I was going to run the wallpaper behind the light fixture when it CRASHED and SHATTERED to the top of the vanity ... were my bare feet were. GAH!

I feel so lucky I didn't end up in the emergency room with glass coming out of my feet. Yikes.

But, unluckily, it added extra time to the install and my once $150 budget now had to expand to include the price of a new bathroom light fixture. Gah.

Beside the light accident, this project went rather smoothly. Installing this wallpaper is one of those things you get better at once you've done it a few times. The straight wall and not a lot to cut around certainly helped. And after just a few hours -- maybe two -- we had a very pretty wall in the bathroom. And, a few hours and trip to Home Depot later, a new light fixture, too!

And I think I'll keep the bike shower curtain for now. It matches (enough) and will help with my budget and covering the cost of the new light.

Next up is the best part (I think) ... the new floors. They're due to arrive from Amazon and I can't wait to see them. I have two concerns: how easy will they cut to fit around the vanity, toilet, etc. And will the door fit OVER them. I really really don't want to take down the door and shave it down. Again. It's not pleasant.

Head over here to see the before picture and the plans. And stay tuned for the next step.

Related posts:
All the Bathroom posts
More Wallpaper posts 


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