The End of Our Piano Story

WAY back in 2013 we got a piano for free from a neighbor. Here's the full story of how we found it is here and there's a bunch more posts here.

It has been in a place of honor in our home since ... right by the front door near our living room. The girls took lessons, but, unfortunately, they never really found a passion for it. But I always enjoyed the noise of them practicing. Or just banging on the keys. 

This year I decided it was time to find our piano a new home. We never picked up lessons again after we got home from Paris and no one has touched it in all that time. A piano must be played to exist and the soul of this piano was just crying out to me. 

I put it up on Facebook Marketplace for free and offered it to a few friends; all they'd need to do, is pay for moving it. And it didn't find any takers for a few months. Then a friend from Dave's gym was over for a Friendsgiving dinner and we mentioned the piano was up for grabs. They just moved into a new (their first) home with their 3-year-old son and wanted it. It took a few weeks for them to get the planning in place, but the piano movers came and hauled it away to its new family. 

It brings me so much happiness to think of our beloved piano in a new home with a growing family. Sure, I looked through some old photos of my little girls playing it and cried just a little ... they're getting so big! But it's all as it should be. 

"Let what needs to go go. Let what needs to come come." 

Also, I got to exchange the piano for this nice white buffet that's just a bit more practical for the space ... it's really a win win. 


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