10 Most Popular Posts of 2020

 This is my last list post of 2020 ... and it's a roundup of the 10 most popular posts on my blog, which got about 10,000 views this year. Not too shabby. Thanks all you guys for visiting! 

10. Christmas at My House - from 2013's celebration, everyone around the dining room table, my favorite thing ever. 

9 .  Cleaning Up My Morning Routine - I had such a plan together ... then it got BLOWN UP once 2020 really hit. I do still drink my smoothie breakfast. 

8. Shopping with Purpose - love a shopping list! And sustainability is one of my pet projects. Maybe it's just the cool photo of my toilet paper? 

7. Formal Dress Shopping by Mail - this one had a lot of try-ons, which is odd for me. But I do like the dress I eventually picked. 

6. Planning for Summer on the Patio - Midwinter summer daydreaming ... yup, it's all true. 

5. Holiday Gift List Round-up 2018 Edition - odd how this one was such a popular post this year. Maybe I need to do a holiday gift list for next year?

4. Can I Add a Tile Project? - Looking back, I really wish I would have take the leap and done the tiling in the laundry room. But the faux solution isn't so bad. 

3. Kitchen Table Replacement Found! - The saga of my kitchen table replacement. This post was so hopeful but not actual the table we ended up with. 

2. Dramatic Laundry Room Update Complete - I completed this project in 2019, but it's still a pretty amazing transformation and the photos are so fun. 

1. Filling Up My Wanderlust - wherein I fangirl all over the iFit app to motivate me. 


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