The Heat Is Off

To sum up: We're putting a new furnace in this old house.

That's right. We're trying to move out of this house, but we are putting in a new furnace. Hooray!

To expand slightly: We've had a parade of inspectors come through the house making recommendations of improvements, so the house is in good shape if we take the buyout. The HVAC inspector found the furnace was unsafe. He unhooked it and, well, we need heat (it's October!). So, I've been getting estimates for a new furnace.

I have conflicting feelings about this. On one hand, I hate that I have to replace a furnace that was functioning fine (as much as I knew) for the last 5 years. And it's not even for the benefit of me or my family. And it's going to completely decimate my decorating budget for the new house.

However, if we get a buyer, their inspector might have found this furnace issue and we'd be replacing it anyway. And probably at a much higher cost.

Of course, I immediately called the realtor to update our listing. BRAND-NEW FURNACE will catch someone's attention, don't you think?


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