
Work was slow today and I got my errand done early so I got to indulge in one of my favorite activities: puttering.

Puttering = me wandering from room to room taking care of a variety of small tasks. But never staying in one room for too long. For a scatterbrain like me, it's true glory.

I started in my bedroom, walked into Leah's room to put some photos I unearthed away ... found Alice's baby book so I looked through that. I headed toward Alice's room to put away the Barbies which sent me back to Leah's for more Barbie stuff. Back in Alice's I put away clean clothes I folded last night, which turned into reorganizing her drawers, removing summer items. Back to my room to check work email. And so on.

Room to room, task to task. Puttering is a fine art.

Puttering also has the added advantage of keeping me warm -- as the furnace is still busted and the current house temperature is 65 degrees.


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