Dual Language Lottery This Week!

Wednesday is the day the school district will fill the 50 seats in their highly-coveted Dual Language program.  It's full-day Kindergarten that runs half the day in Spanish (immersion) and half in English. Soak that in. How cool does that sound?

I want Alice to be in the program so bad I can taste it.

It's a lottery system, so we've been given a number (33). On Wednesday, they'll flip a switch and the computer will randomly fill the available spots.

123 lottery numbers were issues for 50 seats. Those are not good odds.

Send all the good vibes you can my way on Wednesday.

And ... "May the odds be ever in our favor!" (Hmm... maybe not an appropriate quote.)

Editor's Update: Did we get in? 

NO. NO, WE DID NOT. The world is a sucky, unfair place I want to find a quiet corner and cry.

Ok, I'm better now. But, seriously, I can't even find someone to beg. Please allow her in. I speak Spanish! I can help her! No one.

A few friends at preschool got in ... some don't even know Spanish and will need tutors. Seriously. The lottery system really needs to be re-assessed.

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