Adding More Navy ... And I Like It!

The other BIG painting project was the transition wall in the kitchen and family. Originally, I thought I'd go white with all the rest of the walls in the kitchen (someday), but all winter I had imagined painting it the bold navy I have on the TV wall.

And what am I if not BOLD! ;)

BEFORE: Beige. Yuck. 
So, we opened that navy can of paint and added two coats of navy to this wall. It wasn't a huge time commitment and with the temps around 70, we could open the doors and let the breeze in to speed the drying time.
AFTER: WOW! Bold and Beautiful
When we were done, we couldn't stop staring at it from the sofa. Wow! The crisp freshly-painted white doors and trim pop on the pretty navy walls. It's just gorgeous!

As we were putting supplies away, Dave says: "Done. Will you leave me alone now?!" Not likely, my friend.

The beige siege continues!


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