Foods I Wished I Liked...

Not sure what got me thinking about this, but there's a bunch of food I have always wished I liked. And isn't it weird to think you WANT to like these things but YET you don't? Why do tastebuds have such power over my life?!

Here's my list, in no particular order:
  1. Honey -- I love the idea of becoming a novice beekeeper to help bee populations, "as the bees go, so goes the earth" and all that. Plus, it's a natural sweetener you can get locally.  But, yuck. Too bitter. 
  2. Granola -- healthy, nutritious and cheap. My hubby loves it. But me? No thanks.  
  3. Jam and Pickles - because I took a jamming seminar and thought it was the coolest thing, but why go through all that just to make something I don't like to eat?  
  4. Applesauce -- my Mom used to hide penicillin in applesauce, thus all applesauce has that awful chalky taste to me. Done. 
  5. Oatmeal -- seriously, why don't I like oatmeal? Much the same reason as granola, I guess. I discovered steal-cut oatmeal is eatable with enough brown sugar and bananas. But does that really count?  
  6. Raisins - if in a cookie, sure, I'll deal with them. But as a stand-alone snack, I'll just take the grape. Joon says it best:  
I have all this food in my house right now, because other family members like it. So I should just start popping granola and "acquire the taste," right? That's what I did for coffee. I decided I wanted to develop a taste for coffee, as I really wanted to have caffeine in my busy life. It took a lot of half-and-half at first but it eventually worked and now I'm addicted. Super! (My fall into coffee addition chronicled here.) 

What's on your list? 


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