2014 - Let's Do This!

This new year is going to be IT! THE YEAR! Here's how I know ... it's an even year and, in my life, many of the BEST things happen in an even year. Births, graduations, exciting trips -- all in even years. So, good things are coming.

What will you be reading about in 2014 on this blog? Here's the rundown:

- dropping a minimum of 10lbs. I know it's cliche to set a weight-lose goal in the new year, but this IS happening, people. I've got goals, help, incentives and a 10-week challenge. But, never fear, this blog will not turn into a weigh-loss diary -- because that's just lame. 

Selfie in NYC
- making dolls. I've been inspired by the dollies that I see on Etsy and in the Kiki and Coco book to hand-make a doll. Or two. Or more, if it's fun. I ordered a doll from Etsy that I'll use as a sample and we'll go from there. If all goes well, no surprise what the nieces will get for Christmas next year. 

- continue house projects. This is the year I tackle the foyer. Paint, wallpaper, moldings, curtains, maybe an art installation above the door. Whatever scheme I finally land on, it's going to be spectacular! And I'll chronicle it here. 

- and landscape projects. Continue to fill in the perennial bed by the patio. And speaking of the patio, the bricks need a little patch-job. 

- and, of course, the garden. Every year I come a little further in my gardening acumen. This year, the onions are coming back. And herbs, I must dry/preserve the herbs! 

- and travel ... it's our 10-year wedding anniversary and returning to Puerto Rico has always been in the plans. Time to book! 

- Then there's the resolutions I always make: Read more, keep up my yoga practice, journaling and blogging, etc. The same old stuff. 

Yup, it's going to be an awesome 2014! 

Related posts:
Catch up on all my crazy goals


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