Too Friggin Cold For School

For the second time this winter ... no! for the second time this month (!) ... it's too cold to go to school. So, I have kids running around, watching too much TV, not doing homework or reading. Yelling at each other, torturing the dog that likes to sleep in all day and being generally rowdy (I can't very well send them outside to play, can I?). All while I'm on the phone trying to do a conference call for work.

Hard At Work on That Annual Report for Marketing
At some point, they'll head over to the neighbor's house to pillage and destroy, leaving me precious quiet time to get through more emails, reports and meetings. Either way, the day's not highly productive.

But when the girls sit in the office with me, working on an "educational" website, my workday gets just a little sunnier.

Is it too early to whine for Spring?


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