My Green Juice Recipe

After spending a week at a Mexican resort, we all got hooked on the "green juice" at the breakfast buffet. When we asked what was in it, the waiters listed off things: cucumber, spinach, celery, orange juice and pineapple. Maybe apple? Ginger? It was hard to tell and each morning it tasted just a little different.

But so delicious.

The weekend we got home I got to work on the recipe. We thought it was a traditional Mexican juice and therefore a published recipe would be easy to find. Not so much. Our Mexican friend Patty had never heard of "jugo verde" and each recipe I found was very different. Cactus, parsley, cilantro, almond milk were also kicked around as ingredients.

Undaunted, I got a few things we "thought" were in there and whipped up a few test batches. I gotta say, I was definitely off, but what I ended up with tasted pretty good. And the juice lasts a few days in the fridge, so it's only requires a weekly mess.

Recipe Making
My Green Juice Recipe - Version 1

1 cup spinach
1 cup orange juice (I used no pulp)
1 stalk of celery
1 cup of pineapple
1 medium cucumber (I sliced out the seeds)
1 tsp of fresh ginger*
1 cup (or less) water

Place all in a blend and whirl away! It turns out very green.
It should have a mild citrusy taste -- with a mix of cucumber water. Play around with quantities to find your ideal version.

*I read a tip once to put fresh ginger in the freezer and it lasts forever.

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