The Ugly Frame Project

My Mom tends to find things at thrift stores and drops them off at my house.

A few years ago, I got this framed picture of a gazebo that's so far from my taste, I almost threw it out immediately. But she pointed at the frame and thought I could make something of it. So it went in my basement and there is stayed for a few years.

For whatever reason, I thought of this framed picture while in Mexico and thought I could use it as a wipe board in my basement gym.

It's So Ugly I Didn't Bother Turning It Around

So, I pulled off the paper and removed the staples holding the back in place. It was really no problem. The frame was no longer in great shape, but it's a exercise board for the basement, it doesn't need to be gorgeous.

I dug out my old freind Rusoleum in a hunter green color -- the darker to hide the imperfections of the frame -- from my spray paint collection in the garage. While I waited for that to dry, I gift-wrapped the gazebo print in craft paper, with some washi tape. I didn't even measure, it was slap-dash.

The result, a totally FREE wipe board that shows my quick AM and PM workouts.

Complete. Pretty? A Little. Useful and FREE, YES!
Yup. I wonder what she'll bring over next time?

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