RED ALERT: Mice in My Pantry

I was getting suspicious but once I started to really clean out my pantry yesterday, the signs were CLEAR. Mice have been getting into the food in my pantry.

Cleaning Out In Progress!
Yes! Mice! Hungry vermin! Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross!

I refuse to go into details. It was a horror movie.

After I freaked out a little and dry-heaved in the corner, I got my big girl panties on and cleaned the whole darn pantry out. Anything that wasn't sealed up, got tossed out. And everything remaining (with nuts and chocolate, especially) got put into containers.

So this is why people use these beautiful, labeled containers in their super-tidy pantries. (Like this.) Consider me totally on-board.

I also set a few traps because I'm going to catch those bastards and make them pay!!

Lastly, I started walking around my kitchen to try to discover where they are coming from and if it's something I can plug up. Like a vermin detective!

Ugh. Not the way I wanted to spend my weekend.

Pass the Lysol.


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