Hooks In the Back Hall

In Progress
I've been resisting adding hooks on the long hallway off the garage entrance (as posted here). But OMG if I have to STEP on another bag or sweater thrown on the floor I'm going to LOSE IT. (!!)

We have hooks all over this house for a reason, people!

In a fit of rage, I bought a piece of trim and ordered a bunch of hooks in a variety of colors for that wall. But then decided ... maybe if I improve this wall -- which sits directly opposite from the garage entrance -- I might solve the problem without adding yet another wall with hooks.

So, I got these little pine boards and some neato steal hooks and used Saturday night while the girls were away to install the whole system. Replacing the dinky row of pegs that just wasn't doing the job.

It went up very quickly, finishing it up while the girls watched Frozen on Sunday morning after their sleepover. I included a sign that says "Hey You! Hang Up Your Stuff" on the magnet board just above it. Just in case my family doesn't figure out what this row of hooks is for. Heh.

After: Ten Hooks All in a Row
We'll give it a few weeks and test how well-used these hooks are --see if they claim the backpacks and gear bags and other items that are usually just cast to the floor in this general area. If it's unsuccessful, and I've used all my most persuasive tricks to get the girls to use it, I may have to revisit the other hallway.

Related posts:
My friggin love of hooks! 


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