Leah's New Green Curtains

In Leah's room, there are no curtain rods and the only windows are in the corner -- which was a challenge. But that corner was just screaming for some style -- that ISN'T beige blinds.

It took me a few trips to Home Depot to get the right curtain rods but with Dave's help, we got them hung and the new curtains installed.

The results are beautiful!

I love how the green in the fabric plays off of the teal walls. My green-blue themed room just gives me giggles of delight.

And here's the link to the curtains on the Land of Nod site

Leah's Green Curtains - After!
Memo to myself when I buy my next house: Pay close attention to curtain rods. So much better to buy a house with them installed. Adding them to this house has been such a production! And other than the master, none of the rooms had curtain rods. I will note that all the windows had these rather expensive looking blinds. That was certainly a plus.


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