Soccer Season Is Here!

Not Me. Sister Maggie.
It runs in the family
All day I dream about soccer. It's the axis for which my world should revolved around ... as it has been for as long as I can remember. I'm either getting ready for a new season, or getting over a past season. I'm looking out the window like a caged animal dreaming of when the snow will melt and I can run outside.

So, it's with great excitement today that I was given my Spring roster and game schedule for the team I coach for Leah. My dormant soccer brain is now whirling with drills and pep talks. I'm planning out my first practice talk with the parents, and what good ice-breaking activities we can do that first day.

I'm getting a large part of my Fall team back this Spring, which pleases me to no end. The parents must like me, or they just like the continuity of the same girls going through this early training together. Either way, I'm pleased.

I'm also delighted to have two co-coaches on my side. I've got some trips planned (Paris!) and I'll miss a few games/practices -- so I'll be thankful to have backup. Last Spring, with the Kindergarten team, I was on my own, and that was tiring, thrilling and crazy all at the same time.

Next year, I'll have two teams to coach -- as Alice will be old enough to start playing, too. YIPPEE!


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