Paris Itinerary - First Draft

Monet's Rue Montorgueil
I had to come up with the first draft of the schedule for our dreamy Paris trip. Not to make you jealous to the point of hating me ... but I'm sharing:

Sunday -- Arrive! Reception at Salon Opera ballroom
Monday morning -- Montmarte Walking Tour (Amelie, right?!)
Monday night -- Dinner at the Palace of Versailles
Tuesday morning -- Rue Montorgueil shopping/tasting tour
Tuesday afternoon -- St. Germain shopping tour (one or the other, or both)
Wednesday morning -- Louvre Museum VIP tour (nonnegotiable!)

Thursday morning -- D'Orsay Museum (Monet ... I'm coming!)
Thureday afternoon -- Nortre Dame

Thursday night -- Goodbye Dinner in Bercy
Friday -- Depart!

Yeah. You read that right. I have a dinner at the PALACE OF VERSAILLES. I need to find a cocktail dress and awesome pair of flats (because I will NOT be in heels if I get the chance to tour the gravel grounds) for the night. At the Palace. The Palace. That's my life now.


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