New Curtains for the Girls

I know ... I was going to make the curtains for the girls' bedrooms. Heck, I even got fabric! Carol sent me some cute yellow gingham she was going to use in Adriana's room (abandon for store-bought curtains) and I found some cool, geometric-print fabric for Leah's room.

But, the task required me to do some solid math to make alterations since the fabric was too short or not wide enough for an easy fit.

I've been keeping my eye out for some pretty patterns that I might like a little better -- in store-bought curtains. A few weeks ago, I found them on Land of Nod. And with a 15% off coupon (free shipping, just about) I ordered them. And tried not to feel guilty for not sewing them myself.

Today, I asked the girls iron them.

Tomorrow, I need to buy rods for Leah's room and get them hung.

Can't wait to see the final results!

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