The Stuff Arrives!

Our shipment finally arrived from Paris and I'd been so excited about getting it, but also stressed about where everything was going to go once it got here.

And boy was I right to be stressed. Because there is so so much stuff to find a home for. And it's spawning so many little house projects. Just a hundred things to do.

Moving In ... Again
We always unpack the boxes as quickly as they come in, so we don't have a mountain of boxes to deal with at the end of the day. So, a lot of things got piled on tables and the floor.

Plus, I've got a puppy pen in the family room, so we're lacking some important space.

Last, we have no room in our kitchen for anything. So the additional FULL kitchen of supplies that arrived drove us totally nuts. What to do with all this stuff?!

Sadly, though, this puts an end (officially) to our Paris adventure. Seeing the things we used in Paris makes if feel like it's really all over. It's done. And it's making me sad and feel lonely all over again. I loved Paris and being an expat and how nothing was easy but everything was good and worth it. And as much as I love being home, it will take me some time to shake this melancholy. I was so so so lucky.

Ok ... off to put away a pile of towels we now don't need.

Related links
Read all the Paris move posts


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