The Master Bathroom Master Plan

Now that demo is underway, here's the BIG plan for the room ...

I've tried to keep most of the plumbing in the same place, which saves on cost and time. There are two pipes that need to move: the right sink and the bathtub.

This doesn't show the closet, which is getting new paint, consistent flooring and LED lights.

I created a budget, with price estimates on all the items that we need to purchase and a total. And I'm also keeping track of actual costs, and trying to keep under that estimate total. So far, I'm sticking to it.

I splurged on a few things, like the sink faucets, but most things I got on sale or for a good price. The vanities were 50% off and the light fixtures were under $30/each!

Fingers crossed we stay on time AND on budget. 

Related links:
Follow the whole Master Bathroom transformation


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