TV Going Up ... Or Not

In the spirit of changing up the way we live in this house since being in Paris, we decided to hang the TV above the fireplace, thereby reorienting the entire family room.

Or did we??

First, we set the TV on the mantle and moved the sofa, to test the experience. We decided the TV wasn't too high and it wasn't like we were craning our neck to watch our shows and movies.

Next, we asked the electrician to add an outlet above the fireplace, so we could minimize the cords that hang down. Ideally, there would be no wires visible.

Then, we hung the TV and I started to think about what we can hang around the TV. I was thinking the records we have hanging in the living room.

And we stared at those wires hanging off the right. And that made us unhappy.

We just couldn't figure out a way to hide that pesky coaxial cable wire! Everything else we were able to hide. And that was a dealbreaker.

So until we cut the cable TV cord (which we're not ready to do yet) or when they deliver a wireless cable box (which could be in the near future), we moved the TV back to it's original position on the cabinets in front of the navy blue wall.

I haven't cleaned up the cabinets, NOR have I hung the pictures. That's coming, now that I know I have the TV to factor into the design.

More to come ...

Related links:
Family room posts
Last time we redid this gallery wall
See my fireplace project


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