MY Late Night Talk Show

The Guest, The Host, The Desk
I don't often stay up late. I am not a night owl ... and never was. But occasionally I catch a late night talk show and I hate them. And then I fall asleep.

If I ever get a job running my own late night talk show (which could happen) I will obliterate the format. That first 20 minutes of the host telling bad jokes? Gone.

The Late Night with Jessica Show starts with the guest.

In the first five minutes -- before the first commercial break, even -- out comes my first movie-star guest. I will ask smart questions and allow the person ample time to speak, trying not to rudely interrupt. I will show a much longer clip of the movie/show he/she is promoting and talk about the other actors in the film, the story or the director. I'm not James Lipton, but I would certainly like to hear the guests talk for more than 4 minutes, especially after sitting through 20 minutes of commercials and a horribly bad monologue. What's the point? I'm half asleep, anyway.

Later, I might set up a funny sketch or invite a comedian to do his/her act. Maybe another guest would sit with me and talk, with equal attention paid and longer movie clips. Then, a musical performance -- just because they are cool.

Of course, the Late Night with Jessica Show would need to be filmed at 3:00, because I'm not staying up late for this.


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