5 Reasons to Love Autumn

Last Fall!
As much as I love summer, and I absolutely do, there are a few things that happen in the fall that eases re-entry into cold, chilly and awful weather. And since I'm into making lists lately, I'll give you a top 5 list. (You're welcome!)

1. Back to school - the return to a more regular schedule. Especially this summer, because I only worked part time. Not that I'm complaining, but it all felt a bit surreal. I'm back to full time this fall and so are the kids. And in our neck of the woods, school starts in late August. We're ready to roll. 

2. School supply shopping. I have fond memories of all the supplies my Mom would buy, especially when all five of us were in school. I remember the smells of new paper and delights of choosing my supplies -- fueling my optimism for the year ahead. I get the same feeling when picking through folders and #2 pencils for my second-grader. Happy new beginnings. 

3. School clothes shopping. Because I'll take any reason to shop and there are good sales! The one drawback is those new wool sweaters and jeans usually sit in the closet for a few months until the weather turns cold enough to wear them. But it's still fun and worth it. And don't forget new shoes! This time of year always makes me long for penny loafers. 

4. Football season.  I love the regular Sunday afternoon rhythms the NFL season creates. No, I don't actually watch too much of the games, but it's the absolute perfect excuse to stay in all afternoon. My husband, who usually likes to get out of the house on errands and excursions, is fine to stay put and watch the games. The weather still allows the kids to play outside, and I'm driven into the kitchen to make stews and roast chickens. Or putter the house, content as can be.

5. Soccer season. We don't play soccer all summer, so I'm usually anxious to get my team roster and get the kids back on the field. I only recently rediscovered it, but there's something in my genetic code that doesn't feel right until I get my time on the soccer field.

I'm sure you've got your own reasons to love the fall. But it's big downfall, the thing that holds this season back from being my favorite, is that it's followed by the dreaded WINTER. Ugh. 


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